Going to represent India as Founder & CEO of Green Youth Generation and Ambassador of TUNZA Eco-Generation at ICPD Global Youth Forum.
Chosen by International Steering committee of ICPD beyond 2014 Secretariat.
The United Nation Population Fund is committed to supporting the achievement of the ICPD agenda in all member countries The ICPD Programme of Action recognizes the needs of young people, particularly girls, as key to safeguard their rights and to achieve sustainable development.
Given the recognized benefits of investing in young people and fulfilling their reproductive health needs and rights, UNFPA in collaboration with Ministry of Health and Family welfare (MOHFW) and with the support of other government ministries, has organized a series of four consultations focusing on communication media for young people.
The outcome of these consultations will culminate in development of the Adolescent Health Strategy by articulating the needs of adolescents and the possible ways of addressing their needs through programme of the MOHFW or integrating adolescent health concerns in programmes of other Ministries in the next Five Year Plan and UNFPA's Country Programme (2013-2017) alike.
Calling on Youth Leaders: This Is Your Chance to Effect Change
Registration open for virtual delegates :)
You can be a fully contributing delegate wherever you can access a computer or a mobile phone signal. This could be at home, at a youth centre or in an internet cafe. As a delegate, you will receive a special login so that you can participate virtually in all Global Youth Forum activities. As a delegate, you will be expected to contribute in a number of ways. Website: http://www.icpdyouth.org/
On 3-6 December 2012, over 900 youth leaders from every country will have an unprecedented opportunity to influence global policy.
Representing the 43% of the world?s population under age 25, they will convene in Bali, Indonesia to develop official recommendations for the United Nations development agenda.
But they will not be the only ones contributing.
Around the world, youth leaders will connect locally and electronically to provide a shared response to the social, economic and human rights challenges and opportunities faced by their generation. This is the moment when the 43% take control of our shared future.
If you want to get heard then please share your voice with me as a comment. :-)
Balraj Arpit
Founder & CEO
Green Youth Generation
(Ambassador, TUNZA Eco-Generation)
Ambassador Report: http://tunza.eco-generation.org/ambassadorReportView.jsp?viewID=1732